عرض القائمة

الهيئة العامة للصناعة
إشاراتك المرجعية

هذه القائمه تحتوى على الصفحات المفضله لديك على الموقع . لكى تقوم بإضافةصفحات اخري يجب الدخول على الصفحه المطلوبه ثم الضغط على علامة الإرشاداتالمرجعيه بجانب اسم الصفحه على اليسار

مسار التنقل

ناشر الأصول

حصل خطأ عند معالجة القالب.
The following has evaluated to null or missing:
==> SectionVideoJson4.fileEntryId  [in template "20097#20123#49846" at line 215, column 55]

Tip: It's the step after the last dot that caused this error, not those before it.
Tip: If the failing expression is known to legally refer to something that's sometimes null or missing, either specify a default value like myOptionalVar!myDefault, or use <#if myOptionalVar??>when-present<#else>when-missing</#if>. (These only cover the last step of the expression; to cover the whole expression, use parenthesis: (myOptionalVar.foo)!myDefault, (myOptionalVar.foo)??

FTL stack trace ("~" means nesting-related):
	- Failed at: fileEntryId = SectionVideoJson4.fileE...  [in template "20097#20123#49846" at line 215, column 41]
2Widget templates can be used to modify the look of a 
3specific application. 
5Please use the left panel to quickly add commonly used variables. 
6Autocomplete is also available and can be invoked by typing "${". 
9	.taglib-page-iterator .lfr-pagination-config { 
10		display:none; 
11	}	 
12	.taglib-page-iterator .search-results, .taglib-page-iterator .lfr-pagination-buttons { 
13		float:none !important; 
14	}	 
15	.pagination>li>a { 
16		padding-left: 20px; 
17		width: auto !important; 
19	.lfr-pagination { 
20		text-align: center; 
24<#assign dlAppLocalService = serviceLocator.findService("com.liferay.document.library.kernel.service.DLAppLocalService") /> 
25<#assign dlUtil = staticUtil["com.liferay.document.library.kernel.util.DLUtil" ]/> 
27	filter = request.getParameter('filter')!'' 	 
28	view = request.getParameter('view')!'list' 	 
30	filterdatechangetype="date_asc"  
31	filtertitlechangetype="title_asc" 		  
32	filterfield = "modifiedDate"  
33	filtersort = "?reverse" 
35<#if view=="" >	 
36	<#assign view="list" > 
38<#if filter=="date_desc" > 
39	<#assign filtertype="date"  
40	filterdatechangetype="date_asc"  
41	sort_arrow_up_opacity = "0.5" 
42	sort_arrow_down_opacity = "1"	  
43	filterfield = "modifiedDate" 
44	filtersort = "?reverse" 
45	>	 
46<#elseif 	filter=="date_asc" > 
47	<#assign filtertype="date"  
48	filterdatechangetype="date_desc"  
49	sort_arrow_up_opacity = "1" 
50	sort_arrow_down_opacity = "0.5"	  
51	filterfield = "modifiedDate" 
52	filtersort = "" 
53	>		 
54<#elseif 	filter=="title_desc" > 
55	<#assign filtertype="title"  
56	filtertitlechangetype="title_asc"  
57	sort_arrow_up_opacity = "0.5" 
58	sort_arrow_down_opacity = "1"	  
59	filterfield = "title"  
60	filtersort = "?reverse" 
61	>	 
62<#elseif 	filter=="title_asc" > 
63	<#assign filtertype="title"  
64	filtertitlechangetype="title_desc"  
65	sort_arrow_up_opacity = "1" 
66	sort_arrow_down_opacity = "0.5" 
67	filterfield = "title" 
68	filtersort = "" 
69	>		 
71	<#assign filtertype="date"  
72	filterdatechangetype="date_asc"  
73	filtertitlechangetype="title_asc"  
74	sort_arrow_up_opacity = "0.5" 
75	sort_arrow_down_opacity = "1"  
76	filterfield = "modifiedDate" 
77	filtersort = "?reverse" 
82<!-- Creating a freemarker function in which will be used to get JournalArticle Custom Fieldby name --> 
83<#function getFieldValue Fields fieldName> 
84<#list Fields as Field> 
85<#if Field.name == fieldName> 
86<#assign value=Field.getValue().getString(locale) /> 
87<#return value /> 
90<#return null /> 
93<div class="contents pages"> 
94	<section class="breadcrumb_wrapper"> 
95		<div class="container"> 
96			<div class="row"> 
97				<div class="col-12 fadeInUp wow" data-wow-delay="0.3s"> 
98					<!--<@liferay_ui["message"] key="pai-video-library" /> 
99					<#if locale?contains("ar")> 
100					<h1>مكتبة الفيديو</h1> 
101					<#else> 
102					<h1>Video Library</h1> 
103					</#if>--> 
105				</div> 
106			</div> 
107		</div> 
108	</section> 
110	<section class="pt-3"> 
111		<div class="container"> 
113				<div class="row"> 
114						<div class="filter_block fadeInUp wow" data-wow-delay="0.3s"> 
115							<div class="sort"> 
116								<div class="sort_text"> 
117									<@liferay_ui["message"] key="pai-filter-by" /><!--Filter by--> 
118								</div> 
119								<div class="sort_buttons"> 
120									<button type="button" class="<#if filtertype=='date'>active</#if>" onclick="changefilter('${filterdatechangetype}','${view}')">Date 
121										<svg class="sortArrows" width="18" height="16" viewBox="0 0 18 16" fill="none" 
122											xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> 
123											<g clip-path="url(#clip0_1128_8384)" class="sort_arrow_up"> 
124												<path 
125													d="M17.6909 4.3335C17.4462 4.577 17.0505 4.57606 16.807 4.33141L14.625 2.13884V15.375C14.625 15.7202 14.3452 16 14 16C13.6548 16 13.375 15.7202 13.375 15.375V2.13881L11.193 4.33144C10.9495 4.57609 10.5538 4.57703 10.3091 4.33353C10.0644 4.09 10.0635 3.69428 10.307 3.44963L13.557 0.183875C13.5572 0.183657 13.5574 0.1835 13.5576 0.183312C13.8011 -0.0607185 14.1981 -0.0615005 14.4424 0.183281C14.4426 0.183499 14.4428 0.183656 14.443 0.183844L17.693 3.44959C17.9364 3.69422 17.9356 4.08997 17.6909 4.3335Z" 
126													fill="white" fill-opacity="${sort_arrow_up_opacity}" /> 
127											</g> 
128											<g clip-path="url(#clip1_1128_8384)" class="sort_arrow_down"> 
129												<path 
130													d="M7.69087 11.6665C7.44622 11.423 7.0505 11.4239 6.807 11.6686L4.625 13.8612V0.625C4.625 0.279813 4.34519 0 4 0C3.65481 0 3.375 0.279813 3.375 0.625V13.8612L1.193 11.6686C0.949498 11.4239 0.553779 11.423 0.309123 11.6665C0.0644353 11.91 0.0635292 12.3057 0.306998 12.5504L3.557 15.8161C3.55719 15.8163 3.5574 15.8165 3.55759 15.8167C3.80109 16.0607 4.19809 16.0615 4.4424 15.8167C4.44259 15.8165 4.44281 15.8163 4.443 15.8162L7.693 12.5504C7.93643 12.3058 7.93559 11.91 7.69087 11.6665Z" 
131													fill="white" fill-opacity="${sort_arrow_down_opacity}" /> 
132											</g> 
133											<defs> 
134												<clipPath id="clip0_1128_8384"> 
135													<rect width="8" height="16" fill="white" 
136														transform="matrix(1 0 0 -1 10 16)" /> 
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138												<clipPath id="clip1_1128_8384"> 
139													<rect width="8" height="16" fill="white" /> 
140												</clipPath> 
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142										</svg> 
143									</button> 
144									<button type="button" class="<#if filtertype=='title'>active</#if>" onclick="changefilter('${filtertitlechangetype}','${view}')">Name 
145										<svg class="sortArrows" width="18" height="16" viewBox="0 0 18 16" fill="none" 
146											xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> 
147											<g clip-path="url(#clip0_1128_8384)" class="sort_arrow_up"> 
148												<path 
149													d="M17.6909 4.3335C17.4462 4.577 17.0505 4.57606 16.807 4.33141L14.625 2.13884V15.375C14.625 15.7202 14.3452 16 14 16C13.6548 16 13.375 15.7202 13.375 15.375V2.13881L11.193 4.33144C10.9495 4.57609 10.5538 4.57703 10.3091 4.33353C10.0644 4.09 10.0635 3.69428 10.307 3.44963L13.557 0.183875C13.5572 0.183657 13.5574 0.1835 13.5576 0.183312C13.8011 -0.0607185 14.1981 -0.0615005 14.4424 0.183281C14.4426 0.183499 14.4428 0.183656 14.443 0.183844L17.693 3.44959C17.9364 3.69422 17.9356 4.08997 17.6909 4.3335Z" 
150													fill="white" fill-opacity="${sort_arrow_up_opacity}" /> 
151											</g> 
152											<g clip-path="url(#clip1_1128_8384)" class="sort_arrow_down"> 
153												<path 
154													d="M7.69087 11.6665C7.44622 11.423 7.0505 11.4239 6.807 11.6686L4.625 13.8612V0.625C4.625 0.279813 4.34519 0 4 0C3.65481 0 3.375 0.279813 3.375 0.625V13.8612L1.193 11.6686C0.949498 11.4239 0.553779 11.423 0.309123 11.6665C0.0644353 11.91 0.0635292 12.3057 0.306998 12.5504L3.557 15.8161C3.55719 15.8163 3.5574 15.8165 3.55759 15.8167C3.80109 16.0607 4.19809 16.0615 4.4424 15.8167C4.44259 15.8165 4.44281 15.8163 4.443 15.8162L7.693 12.5504C7.93643 12.3058 7.93559 11.91 7.69087 11.6665Z" 
155													fill="white" fill-opacity="${sort_arrow_down_opacity}" /> 
156											</g> 
157											<defs> 
158												<clipPath id="clip0_1128_8384"> 
159													<rect width="8" height="16" fill="white" 
160														transform="matrix(1 0 0 -1 10 16)" /> 
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162												<clipPath id="clip1_1128_8384"> 
163													<rect width="8" height="16" fill="white" /> 
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166										</svg> 
167									</button> 
168								</div> 
169							</div> 
170							<div class="change_view"> 
171								<button type="button" class="<#if view=='grid'>active</#if>" onclick="changefilter('${filterdatechangetype}','grid')" ><i 
172										class="fa-light fa-grid"></i></button> 
173								<button type="button" class="<#if view=='list'>active</#if>" onclick="changefilter('${filterdatechangetype}','list')" ><i class="fa-regular fa-list"></i></button> 
174							</div> 
175						</div> 
176					</div> 
178			<div class="row"> 
179				<div class="col-12 video_blocks"> 
180					<div class="row"> 
183<#if entries?has_content> 
184	<#assign data = entries> 
185	<#if filtersort == ""> 
186	<#assign data = entries?sort_by("${filterfield}") > 
187	<#else> 
188	<#assign data = entries?sort_by("${filterfield}")?reverse > 
189	</#if> 
190	<#list data as curEntry> 
192		<!-- ${curEntry} get the Journal Article Asset Renderer --> 
193		<#assign renderer=curEntry.getAssetRenderer() /> 
194		<#assign ddmFormValuesReader=renderer.getDDMFormValuesReader() /> 
196		<#assign dmImages=ddmFormValuesReader.getDDMFormFieldValues( 'image' ) /> 
197		<#assign dmText=ddmFormValuesReader.getDDMFormFieldValues( 'text' ) />  
198		<#assign dmDate=ddmFormValuesReader.getDDMFormFieldValues( 'date' ) />  
199		<#assign dmUpload=ddmFormValuesReader.getDDMFormFieldValues( 'document_library' ) />  
200		<#assign dmTextAreas=ddmFormValuesReader.getDDMFormFieldValues( 'textarea' ) /> 
202		<#assign SectionTitle=getFieldValue(dmText, "Text35759682" )! "" /> 
203		<#assign SectionContent=getFieldValue(dmText, "Text34014857" )! "" /> 
204		<#assign SectionVideoJson=getFieldValue(dmUpload, "Upload00305052" )! /> 
206		<#assign ArticleURL=renderer.getURLViewInContext(renderRequest,renderResponse, "")!/> 
207		<#assign viewURL = assetPublisherHelper.getAssetViewURL(renderRequest, renderResponse, curEntry) /> 
208		<#assign videoUrl = "#" /> 
209		<#if SectionVideoJson?has_content> 
210			<#assign	 
211					SectionVideoJson1 = SectionVideoJson?keep_before_last(',"html"') 
212					SectionVideoJson2="'"+SectionVideoJson1+"}'" 
213					SectionVideoJson3 = SectionVideoJson2?eval 
214					SectionVideoJson4 = SectionVideoJson3?eval 
215					fileEntryId = SectionVideoJson4.fileEntryId			  
216			/> 
217			<#assign fileEntry= dlAppLocalService.getFileEntry(fileEntryId?number) /> 
218			<#assign fileVersion =  fileEntry.getLatestFileVersion() /> 
219			<#assign videoUrl = dlUtil.getPreviewURL(fileEntry, fileVersion, themeDisplay, " ", false, true) /> 
220		</#if> 
221		<#if view=="list" >	 
222		<div class="col-12 video_block fadeInUp wow" data-wow-delay="0.3s"> 
223			<a href="${viewURL}"> 
224				<div class="video_block_wrapper video_block_list"> 
225					<div class="row"> 
226						<div class="col-lg-5"> 
227							<div class="image_preview"> 
228								<video  class="videolibrary"  controls> 
229									<source src="${videoUrl}" type="video/webm"> 
230									<@liferay_ui["message"] key="pai-video-not-support" />        
231									<!--Your browser does not support the video tag.--> 
232								</video> 
233							</div> 
234						</div> 
235						<div class="col-lg-7 block_video_descr centered"> 
236							<h4>${SectionTitle}</h4> 
237							<div class="exerpt"> 
238								${stringUtil.shorten(SectionContent, 200)} 
239							</div> 
240							<div class="video_length"> 
241								<i class="fa-light fa-clock"></i>${dateUtil.getDate(curEntry.getCreateDate(), "MMM dd yyyy", locale)} 
242							</div> 
243						</div> 
244					</div> 
245				</div> 
246			</a> 
247		</div>			 
248		<#else> 
249			<div class="col-lg-4 col-sm-6 video_block fadeInUp wow" data-wow-delay="0.3s">	 
250				<a href="${viewURL}"> 
251					<div class="video_block_wrapper"> 
252						<div class="image_preview"> 
253							<video  class="videolibrary"  controls> 
254								<source src="${videoUrl}" type="video/webm"> 
255								<@liferay_ui["message"] key="pai-video-not-support" />      
256								<!--Your browser does not support the video tag.--> 
257							</video> 
258						</div> 
259						<div class="video_name"> 
260							<script> 
261								//console.log('inside loop >>>>>>>>>> Video Library List - Asset Publisher Template');  
262								</script> 
263							${SectionTitle} 
264						</div> 
265					</div> 
266				</a> 
267			</div> 
268		</#if>	 
270	</#list> 
274					</div> 
275				</div> 
276			</div> 
277		</div> 
278	</section> 
281redirectURL = themeDisplay.getURLPortal() + "/" + themeDisplay.getLocale().getLanguage()+"/web"+themeDisplay.getScopeGroup().getFriendlyURL()+ themeDisplay.getLayout().getFriendlyURL() 
283	<script> 
284	function changefilter(filtertype, view) 
286		var p_p_id = getUrlParameter('p_p_id');  
287		if(p_p_id) { 
288			var filter = getUrlParameter('filter'); 
289			if(filter) { 
290				var url = replaceUrlParam(window.location.href, 'filter', filtertype); 
291				var url = replaceUrlParam(url, 'view', view); 
292				window.location.href = url; 
293			} else { 
294			window.location.href = window.location.href+'&filter='+filtertype+'&view='+view; 
296		} else { 
297		window.location.href = '${redirectURL}'+'?filter='+filtertype+'&view='+view; 
301function replaceUrlParam(url, paramName, paramValue) 
303    if (paramValue == null) { 
304        paramValue = ''; 
306    var pattern = new RegExp('\\b('+paramName+'=).*?(&|#|$)'); 
307    if (url.search(pattern)>=0) { 
308        return url.replace(pattern,'$1' + paramValue + '$2'); 
310    url = url.replace(/[?#]$/,''); 
311    return url + (url.indexOf('?')>0 ? '&' : '?') + paramName + '=' + paramValue; 
313var getUrlParameter = function getUrlParameter(sParam) { 
314    var sPageURL = window.location.search.substring(1), 
315        sURLVariables = sPageURL.split('&'), 
316        sParameterName, 
317        i; 
319    for (i = 0; i < sURLVariables.length; i++) { 
320        sParameterName = sURLVariables[i].split('='); 
322        if (sParameterName[0] === sParam) { 
323            return sParameterName[1] === undefined ? true : decodeURIComponent(sParameterName[1]); 
326    return false; 
328	</script> 

عرض القائمة