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Department of Legal Affairs

Nayef Mutlaq Al-Mutairi
Sections belonging to this department

Contracts and Tenders Section

Department of Cases and Investigations

Fatwa and Opinion Department

Management Tasks
  1. Expressing legal opinion and advice on issues related to the Authority's various activities and issues referred to it.
  2. Preparing draft regulations, decisions and circulars regulating the workflow of the Authority.
  3. Preparing defenses and memoranda that express the opinion of the authority in cases and disputes brought before the courts and various judicial authorities and following up on the authority’s cases brought from or against it.
  4. Assisting the various departments in following up the implementation of the laws and regulations regulating the work to the fullest extent.
  5. Participation in the committees formed by the higher management of the authority and have its legal ties and relations with the activities of the authority.
  6. Study and review the topics that are included on the agendas of conferences and official missions in which the Authority participates inside and outside Kuwait. Providing the participants with the authority’s directives regarding agenda topics that result in legal obligations.
  7. Administrative investigation of administrative violations committed by employees, proposing appropriate disciplinary penalties and presenting the results of the investigation to the competent administrative levels.
  8. Review contracts and tenders to which the Authority is a party with external parties and with individuals working with the Authority.

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